Cnobin Technology HK Limited (Cnobin) Refund Policy
We reserve the right to refuse to register or reserve your chosen domain name or register you for other Cnobin service(s), or to delete your domain name within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of your payment for such services. In the event we do not register or reserve your domain name or register you for other Cnobin service(s), or other Cnobin service(s) within such thirty (30) calendars day period, we agree to refund your applicable fee(s). You agree that we shall not be liable to you for loss or damages that may result from our refusal to register or reserve, or delete your domain name or register you for other Cnobin service(s). In the event Cnobin deletes the registration of a domain name being used in association with spam or morally objectionable activities, no refund will be issued. Morally objectionable activities will include, but not be limited to: activities designed to defame, embarrass, harm, abuse, threaten, slander or harass third parties; activities prohibited by the laws of the United States and/or foreign territories in which You conduct business; activities designed to encourage unlawful behavior by others, such as hate crimes, terrorism and child pornography; activities that are tortious, vulgar, obscene, invasive of the privacy of a third party, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable; activities designed to impersonate the identity of a third party; and activities designed to harm minors in any way.
As consideration for the domain name registration services provided by Cnobin to you, you agree to pay Cnobin, at the time of submitting your application for registration, all applicable initial registration fees and renewal fees in accordance with Cnobin's fee schedule published at Cnobin's website. All domain registration fee, domain transfer fee and renewal fee will be refund if and only if we cannot complete the domain registration, transfer or renewal process. You will be notified when renewal fees are due, and it shall be your responsibility to ensure that such fees are paid. Should these fees go unpaid by the time specified in the renewal notice; your registration will be cancelled. You agree that Cnobin shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any such cancellation.